Exploring Nongkhnum Island – The Biggest River Island in Meghalaya

Nongkhnum Island
Nongkhnum Island

Nongkhnum Island: There are countless times I’ve emphasized that the journey is what truly matters, not just the destination. Yet, as I stood gazing at the azure waters and drifting white clouds, I realized this destination was absolutely worth every effort! Apart from my guide and me, there wasn’t a soul in sight. I’m rarely at a loss for words—I usually have something to say, no matter how trivial—but in that moment, Nongkhnum Island left me utterly speechless.

Where is Nongkhnum Island?

Nongkhnum Island, the largest river island in Meghalaya, remains relatively unknown to most tourists. Driven by my passion for unconventional places, I set out to visit this hidden gem. In fact, when I mentioned my plans to visit the island to my homestay host in Shillong, he was taken aback. However, I was determined to explore this second-largest river island in India!

Located about 15 km from Nongstoin, the administrative center of the West Khasi Hills, Nongkhnum Island stands uninhabited, unlike Majuli. Nongstoin is approximately 95 km from Shillong, and the road conditions to Nongkhnum Island deteriorate significantly as you approach.

The Journey to Nongkhnum Island

A visit to Nongkhnum Island can be combined with a trip to Mawphnalur, another untouched paradise in Meghalaya. Unfortunately, after my visit to Tura for the Wangala Festival, I only had time for Nongkhnum that day. The drive from Shillong to Nongstoin took nearly three hours. As soon as we left Shillong, the temperature dropped, and the scenery improved. After Mairang, the drive turned into a visual feast. I rolled down the windows and enjoyed the stunning landscape. Though my hair was a mess, the roads were perfect for letting the wind blow through as I hummed my favorite tunes.

Upon reaching Nongstoin, we took a poorly maintained road towards Nongkhnum Island. The 15 km drive took almost an hour, with the path covered in stones and dirt.

My Experiences at Nongkhnum Island

When we arrived, all I could see was lush greenery stretching before me. My excitement was palpable. To reach the island, you need to cross a bridge near Weinia Falls. As I crossed, the serene river beach appeared, exuding tranquility and peace.

The island is formed by the Kynshi River splitting into the Phanliang and Namliang Rivers. Covering an area of 20-25 sq km, Nongkhnum Island is adorned with trees and grassy patches. At the point where the rivers diverge, there is a picturesque sandy area of about 100 square meters. I settled on the beach, mesmerized by the blue waters and the gentle breeze.

Before reaching a deep gorge, the river cascades down a 60-meter-high waterfall known as Shadthum Fall. Though the exact name eluded me, as locals couldn’t confirm it, the waterfall is a sight to behold. There was a trail over the hillock to view the falls, but it was overgrown, so I had to abandon the plan. On my return, a local boy near the beach offered to take me across the river in his boat.

The opposite bank was equally breathtaking, isolated and serene. I disembarked on a rocky shore and climbed over boulders to get closer to the waterfall. From this side, the roar of the falls and the mist created a captivating spectacle. I could have spent hours just staring at the waterfall.

After an exhilarating and fulfilling visit, I prepared to head back to Shillong, concluding my remarkable solo trip to the offbeat Nongkhnum Island.

From Nongkhnum Island, a short half-hour hike leads to Weinia Falls, also formed by the Kynshi River. About ten kilometers from the island, the two rivers converge and plunge over 350 meters to create the stunning Langshaing Falls. If you choose to stay overnight, camping on Nongkhnum Island is an option.

How to Reach Nongkhnum Island:

To get to Nongkhnum Island, start by traveling to Nongstoin. Shared sumos from Shillong to Nongstoin are available. From there, you’ll need to book a cab to the island. If you plan to return the same day and rely on shared vehicles, start your journey early from Shillong.


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